Some softwares...
Operational system: either Mac or Linux.
LaTex for Mac: MacTex
Bibtex manager: Bibdesk (Mac), Kbibtex (Linux).
LaTex front end editor for Mac: TexPad
Symbolic & numerical computation: Mathematica
General purpose text editor (not word editor): TextWrangler
Cloud backup and syncing among different computers: SpiderOak & Dropbox
Presentations: Keynote + LaTeXiT (Sorry Beamer... )
LaTex for Mac: MacTex
Bibtex manager: Bibdesk (Mac), Kbibtex (Linux).
LaTex front end editor for Mac: TexPad
Symbolic & numerical computation: Mathematica
General purpose text editor (not word editor): TextWrangler
Cloud backup and syncing among different computers: SpiderOak & Dropbox
Presentations: Keynote + LaTeXiT (Sorry Beamer... )
Search engines...
Jaziel Goulart Coelho
Núcleo de Astrofísica e Cosmologia (Cosmo-ufes) & Departamento de Física Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514. 29065-910. Vitória-ES, Brasil. [email protected] |